If God takes care of the beast, mammals, amphibians, insects and foul, why would we think that he would not provide for us somehow? I see a bird that gathers sticks to intricately construct a nest strong enough to hold its chick's, why do we not see, he would provide a peace that gives us rest. I see open waters with the most beautiful animals, that dwell in the sea and their life span is only determined by what he causes it to be, Why wouldn't we believe that he is a provider of all things for you and me? Sometimes we get weary and our heart feels half empty but even that mindset to carry is very tempting. Just imagine, when a bird drops a worm to its nestling, Gods grace provided the space for the bird to find its food, why wouldn't we acknowledge that the half empty soul of ours he will make full! All things great, small, well, pure, all mankind, plant and animals for sure, belongs to he whom has created all heavens and every depth. When we sit, think and our heart gets it's well needed rest, we will glide unto the presence of glory and stand account for our deeds and test. I can only imagine what the question would be. If he was faithful to complete a work while here on earth and created us with the fine tiny particles of dirt, why wouldn't we concur that the only question when we see him in all his glory would be, "did you take the time to trust and believe in me"?